"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Monday, February 15, 2016

Things That Were, Are, and Have Not Come to Pass

Pincurls are......

Well, they're either completely worth the amount of trouble I go through with them, or I am completely insane for trying again and again to do these bloody things when they never quite turn out right. Either they're still slightly wet (at which point as soon as I try to brush them out they become as straight as a pin. Again. The very state I sought to avoid.) or they're tangled (never EVER twist the hair as you put it up. And when you take it down TAKE THE TIME TO SMOOTHLY UNROLL IT!!  you will thank me. Or you will lose hair. A lot) or they're just....wrong. Somehow. Too frizzy perhaps.

I can't recall which episode that was from, except it was obviously from one of the first two series of the Granada show. Oh, I'd recognise it again instantly - I just can't recall in the moment....  Brett was brilliant there.

But I digress! I need to find a gif for that too......  Anyway!


Oh, I love the end result. Most of the time, the bottom (closest to the nape of my neck) of my hair dries, as does the hair directly around my face, and those waves hold up the disappointingly straight pices of hair. And, of course, often I do manage to give my hair enough time to dry and the whole setting just curls wonderfully under and I basically need no pins.

And the curls even hold for a complete week until I have to wash my hair again for Sunday!

Honestly, we have lost so much.....

It's a wet setting. Absolutely chemical and heat free. And my hair is medium thickness and down to my natural waist, and it STILL curls!!  And usually shortens by about six inches - I find that amusing....

And then, by the end of the week unless it's one of my very rare perfect pincurl sets, it hangs down in very gentle waves, easily shapeable into corskcrew curls or the like. All I have to do is brush it.

And then today there's teasing, and heat settings, and chemical settings (those are poisonous. And they only made my hair frizzy), and protective settings and, and, and.....  And basically none of them work on my hair!

Pin curls are....  It's amazing to think that a year ago I could not do them to save my life - and had given up on them after my hair tangled all together. I had no idea how to brush it out, no idea houw to style it, no idea how to protect it while I sleep.... And now, unless I'm in one of my valleys, I usually set my hair every week.

....every one's going to forget how long my hair is.

How he survives even five series is a mystery to me. How he survived ONE annoying Beckett I will never understand....  He was a little kid that first year.....

Sorry! It was too good to pass up, and I got sidetracked! You cannot blame me....

I had a point with that picture but I've been gone so long that I've forgotten it.......

I'm going to be restarting my Lament for Boromir series. I made it once - making a picture for each line of the song - but I've learnt a lot about graphic manipulation and the programs I use since then - as well as how to better stage the photos. Where before I dumped fifty pictures into the big one, now at least I can blend them better so only one image is the focal point. Quite useful!

Never trust him when he's doing that.....  Although, I do love that Christmas case - in all adaptations. It's also immensely fun to compare canon with Brett with Cushing - because all three have a (watchable) version of The Blue Carbuncle. Yes, I know the names of an awful lot of the cases......

And I'm only eighty-five percent certain that's from that episode - but I can't think of another it works with.....  Regardless!

There are forty pictures in this series. There would be only thirty-seven, but it irks me that there is nothing for the East Wind when I do that. Obviously, they would not be asking it for new - hoping it HAD no news - but for the sake of.....Well, you have every other wind! You have to have the east wind as well!

It is such a fun song to sing - so beautiful.
Yes, I would be one to prefer the Lament over the rest.....  I like Galadriel's song too - but that's not much better. It's just not sung for one dead.


  1. LOL. You are so strange... I'm glad you are blogging! It's addicting, isn't it??

    I'm so excited for you "Lament for Boromir"!!! Are you going to posts sets of pictures for us??? Are you still going to have each line? HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD THIS SONG??? NOW I WANT TO DO A VIDEO. *Yeah, I make videos....

    1. ....Thank you? I think? Iam quite strange - but I've no idea what triggered this announcement? Do you ever READ my replies??

      The last I'm actually most curious about....

      yes! I will post the pictures when I get them started - but this announcement was written about a week ago: I got distracted designing gowns...... Just remember, REader, this is all your fault....

      Yes, I'm going to have every line of the poem too.

      I've no idea!!! She does covers of other LOTR songs from the book too - but I don't like her version of King Beneath the Mountain: it's too...sad. It's not supposed to be sad. I found this song because I absolutely adored the poem and - if I hadn't found this song - would have set it to music myself the way I did most of the songs from The Hobbit.

      I did find it amusing to compare Howard Shore's versions to mine....... Or whoever Adapted that ONE.

      PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY *NO* VIDEOS OF THIS SONG!!! Thus why I make picture series of it because I can't make videos.....


I love comments and will always reply with SOMETHING. Welcome to my ramblings - we're all mad here.....