"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Friday, February 26, 2016

Come to the Dark Side...

Matt is hilarious. Completely. Him and...John in the Memory Lapse video typically have the best parts. The weirdest parts - but the best.

Especially his news announcment - read the news scolling at the bottom of the screen.

So, the electricity went out last night. I at least got a whole night's sleep for once - exhausted enough to sleep through the eletricity coming back on thrity minutes after I lay down - but we lit some candles. I really wish I could take pictures because the set up! A scene with candle light hold the same allure that a Noir setting does - but sadly I can't take pictures. So I shall simple have to save it in my head and just imagine what the pictures would look like.

With my luck, they'd turn out the same way my drawings do: horrid rubbish.

Anyway! It is a Gothic aesthetic. I said so in reference to that style that includes gargoyles and old cathedrals and perpetual rain, however, I also learnt that the term refers to someone that comes of Old Germany.

Which fits in a way.

But then the word was taken back again to refer to the style of which I refer to, simply calling it 'Germanic' or 'Teutonic'. Of course, that era passed, and then it returns to refer to styles that refer to the original Gothic fashion and era.

Quite interesting! And all for want of a camera talent...

It is interesting though.....  I realised that this is probably the most honest version of me that exists - or at least the most honest public version. It holds ALL aspects of me, even if most are subtext rather than blatant - they are at least hinted at.

I doubt it would ever be completely honest. Ever. I don't think I'm really capable of knowingly being so, especially in public.

But may the Lord help me if anyone found this. It's bad enough that some I do trust more than others know of this - I'd personally prefer that none knew of it at all.

So welcome to the dark side - I don't have cookies right now, but I'm sure that if you're here already then you'll find something worthwhile.

It is very much like watching a library burn down, knowing that there are books - first editions and only copies - within that will never, ever be replaced. It's like standing beside the ashey rubble picking up charred books that will never be read again because that was the only copy.

What would be my worst fear? If the house would ever burn down. I would lose it all, and I'd never, ever be able to get it back. It would just be...horrid. Hardly bears thinking about.

I quite enjoy spy films. I quite enjoy fairy stories. I always have - I was raised on them.

But imagine a story where two high Russian nobles fled after the Revolution and came to England. There they hide, but refuse to use the money and end up working as servants under different names. Until, of course, they are recognised.

And imagine another story where a tourist is mistaken and taken for a spy even though he has absolutely no idea what's going on.

and imagine that there are two versions of these stories - different players in the same tales.


I never really thought I'd have this problem with old productions, In fact, that was originally why I preferred them. Cliffhangers held no worries, they were clean, they were safe - I could watch them without fear.

And, of course, I proved myself completely wrong. What's new.

Au contraire, I find that I have better luck with the new series than I do with older series. Oh, certainly not in appropriateness or safety on that score - but rather in...availability.

TovarichEpithet for a Spy.....Beau Brummel...  Oh, they certainly exist in other productions - but with different actors and thus different in character....

I mourn for that I do not know, and weep for what may never come - say rather than it never was than wish for it to see the sun.

For what is this that I care for? What is this that holds my sight? It is not mine to clutch and hold to - so long ago it lost the fight.

..........I have poetry on the mind again.

I still wish I could have seen Benedict's part. Perhaps it will be available, rather than OTHER productions that currently hold my annoyance, but if it will not then....Well, at least I get to see scenes. There aren't even SCENES of the others.

It is amusing though.

I had to memorise Hamlet's Soliloquy for school, and I love it. I especially love quoting it. Always. In different tones and moods. It is....a wonderful distraction.

......and, of course, I can speak the truth and merely say that I am....quoting. For all know Hamlet's speech. Who here would ever think otherwise? None.

....but then, why is 1984 still available, and yet not others from the same series?

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