"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Monday, September 12, 2016

Civil War Day Two - The Tag!

1.) What is your favorite Captain America movie?

The First Avenger

First? VINTAGE!! Oh, darling, the whole thing is set in the FORTIES! In World War II! In good costuming! In gorgeous sets! In Brooklyn! In Europe! In....the Forties!!


Well, there is, obviously, but...  It took me about four watches to even notice it so...that's a win. (Notice all the romance BESIDES the kiss. The kiss was rather obvious....)

And it's hilarious.

It's so sad though! Dr. Erskine, and Bucky, and Bucky, and Peggy, and the Commandos, and BUCKY and.....  

Alright. In more seriousness....

I liked the first film because of the setting primarily, and the time period. I liked it because of the nostalgia, the decade they portrayed. I like it because of the characters - because of the...well, cliches they undid. I LOVED Howard. Which was utterly surprising given how much I detest his son... But if Team Stark had been led by Howard? Yeah... THEN I'd actually be in trouble deciding between the two.

Tony is self-centered.

Howard is...not. And something...DRASTICALLY changed between the Iron Man films and Steve, and Agent Carter. Maybe different perspective? maybe because the one is from the viewpoint of his hurting son, and the other is from....equals? Oh, he still has much of the same flaws - the same...weaknesses. But there is strength in him. He's selfless when it's necessary. He loves. He's human. He's...good.

.....still can't stand Tony.

(And although that above irony is pointed out, Red Skull ALSO attacked him with a knife. So even just in the same FILM....)

But The First Avenger...  It showed people. WWII. Friends. Family. Those who cared so much and those who didn't care at all. It showed the little people and the big ones. The idiots and the giants. Those that were empty and those that were full - those that were important and those that seemed important.

I will say one other thing: I never figured out Zola. He wasn't really...convinced in the first film. He always seemed...nervous? Coerced? And then we find out that he saved Hydra??  I'm sorry....  It just...doesn't fit. Not with his actions in the first film.

.....the first film wasn't a superhero film. It was a story about people. That's why I liked it.  

2.) When did you decide you loved Captain America?

 That boy that would. not. stay. down.

That tiny kid that challenged a much bigger man just because of honour. That's when I loved the character. That's when I loved Steve. When Captain America ran away to find the 107th. When he came back to face punishment. That's when I loved the Captain.

I watched The Avengers first in the MCU after Iron Man I (which I didn't connect and only saw because Da liked it...). Hawkeye was actually the reason I watched it. And then Coulson the reason I watched any of the rest of the movies.

I could NOT stand Captain America. He was self-righteous and stiff and too goody-goody and self-important and hypocritical and...  No. I couldn't stand it. He argued and fought and he JUST got there who put him in charge?

He rubbed me so wrong I almost didn't watch First Avenger. Buuuut.....the allure of the 1940s drew me and I watched it because it couldn't be THAT bad.

And there was ONE scene in The Avengers that...surprised me. And for all that I couldn't stand Steve? He was my favourite character in the movie BECAUSE of that one scene.

So...basically a Christian? In a modern movie? (yes, I'm shocked by that...) So blatantly stated? I was willing to put up with his annoyancies for Vintage and morals and....

.....needless to say I was utterly surprised.

The Captain in The Avengers and the Captain in The First Avenger were...almost completely different. The one in the Twentieth century was compassionate, well-rounded, kind, intelligent...  He knew when to follow orders and he followed well - but he didn't compromise. His principles came first. The Twenty-first Century version was....flat. Mostly. I mean, he was....he was a soldier. Followed orders. Was stuck inside his own head.

The film seemed to take Tony's side more and....yeah, my opinion of him has been stated...

So I liked Steve Rogers when I saw the good man. Not just the soldier - the man.

3.) Do you tend to agree with Steve's thinking/logic?

Yep. Yep, yep, yep, yep, and yes.

He's polite, loyal, kind, firm, knows what he believes, stands up for himself, protects others....  He thinks things through - doesn't just go along because that's what the majority or his authority says. He is his own person and he takes responsibility for that. Mostly.

That being said, while I agree with his thinking, his morals, his convictions....  He and I would probably go about them very differently. I'm more like Natasha in 'avoid direct confrontation unless you KNOW you can win' and he's....not. But if it came down between losing while standing up for my principles and abandoning my principles? I think and hope that I'd choose losing.

Other examples of his thinking are shown in his loyalty to his friends and his ability to lead - to both protect those around him while putting the mission first. He is able to separate himself from his emotions when he has to. WHEN he has to.... Likewise.

Not to mention! His logic and thinking is from an older time. A time I very much...try to emulate.

With mixed results, of course...

But! The familial bonds, the knowledge, the appreciation, the honour, the respect, the elegance...

Or at least what we picture as what was there - the postcard life....

4.) What is one thing about Steve that drives you insane?

......Sharon Carter or Peggy.


But that's personal preference and an abiding desire for friendship to grow first.

But especially Sharon.

On to a more serious addressal!!

What is something that drives me insane.... Hmm....

Honestly: his straighforward approach. Oh, it's refreshing and honest, certainly. However.....



(As long as Sharon counts - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING MARVEL??  HYDRA? REALLY??)

But Steve always goes at things straight on. You know what he's thinking. You know what he believes. You know what he will do. And he does it. He's predictable. Oh, not down to ever little bit....

But there was a reason Fury didn't tell him about the surveillance or the Phase 2 or the helicarriers and it wasn't because they were strange to a man from the Forties.

Steve isn't unintelligent. FAR from it. He's got a photographic memory at least, and he caught onto military tactics very quickly. (DISCLAIMER: Never had the opportunity to read the comics so..... Fanfiction, wiki articles, and MCU are my sources.... Mostly the latter.) It took him about forty-five seconds or less to figure out something was wrong where he was being held, and he assimilated the Times Square. (Why were they holding him in the middle of New York??)

So while a lot of fanfiction shows Steve as being clueless when it comes to modern technology... I don't think that's entirely accurate. Obviously, he'd be thrown off a bit - who wouldn't be! - but he'd adapt and catch up. At the least because he has to.

So the helicarriers and Phase 2 weren't kept from him because he was ignorant but because he wouldn't agree with them.

And, miraculously, he's been able to get back up every time he runs headlong at a problem.

....but he almost didn't get back up after Tony in the end of Civil War.

Actually. No.

You know what? I LIKE that about Steve. I like his determination. His...sheer stubborness. Does it get him in trouble.

Of course! Does he learn? No! Because. he's doing. the right. thing. He's not compromising. So no - that's probably my FAVOURITE part.

You know what I hate about Steve?

That for whatever reason they've HAD to have a kiss in each of his movies. Peggy? Fine. Alright.

Nat? Ooookay.....  It was all for show. Or at least it ended up being so....

Sharon?? I don't think so!!

You see - I know her as Agent 13.

I know her of the girl that saved the bravest person in the MCU.

And they ruined her. In all honesty, they ruined her....

So what I hate about Steve - what drives me insane - is that the writers for whatever reason feel the need to pair him with ANYONE. And then they keep pulling in good characters to fill that 'hole' and ruining them and just....STOP. It's NOT necessary. Trust me. For goodness sakes, please....

Just... Leave him alone. Leave him as the innocent boy that won't talk to women let alone randomly kiss him.

Come on.


5.) What is your favorite Steve scene?

When he gets the flag, or when he and Bucky beat up Tony. I mean, I know, they're losing in the film but.... THEY TEAM UP SO WELL I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!

I loved that flag scene.

and you know, that sort of just ruins the one thing that bothers me about Steve that isn't romance. Because when he WANTS to, he won't go at things straight. He can be and has been as devious as any of the other spies. He just....chooses not to.

That's another thing about him: he CHOOSES to do things. It's not because he has to. It's not because he's inclined to do that. He could easily do something else.

He chooses to.

6.) What is something about Steve that you really admire?

His honesty, integrity, and honour. His manners. His safety.

First? I could spend time with him safely. I wouldn't have to worry about ulterior motives. I wouldn't have to worry that I'm being taken the wrong way, it's just friendship. I would be safe.

I would also be safe from anyone else. Because I'm sorry, the new canon of Steve (AKA comics.....) might stand back when someone is attacked but...  Nope. This Steve...I can't see him doing that. I would be safe from others - someone to back me up that wouldn't be coerced or shamed or ignored into backing down. I would be safe. Others would be safe. He's not going to take advantage of you. He is...good.

He is honourable. his yes is yes and his no is no and.... He understands unavoidable situations, but he gives all he can to accomplish something. He does his best.

And he doesn't compromise!!  He's stubborn and he tries not to falter. He keeps going. He gets up and he keeps going....

He's human.

Above all else, he's human.

He hurts, and mourns, and gets frustrated, and teases, and is amused, and angry, and tired, and excited, and....

He's human. He's realistic. Yeah, he's a superhero but....he's not...impossible. He's not so far out of reach one can never aspire to him.

7.) Do you think you would like Steve in real life?


I've got a feeling that he would fall into the category of 'annoyingly optimistic'.

Oh, I would LOVE to talk about history. About his life. About his principles and beliefs. I would love to spend time with him, We have an awful lot in common and it would be incredible fun.

However.... He is incredibly perceptive. And....any interaction would probably end up going down a road where someone gives advice and I can't bring myself to follow it. Any interaction would end up trying to drag the other down.

So, I would like him - but he wouldn't like me so...  Moot question.

8.) What do you think of Steve's motorcycle, and would you want a ride on it?

...motorcycles scare me. I would ride with him on it once just to say that I did but.....


Those things are dangerous and can so easily go wrong.

9.) What was an iconic "STEVE FREAKIN' ROGERS" moment for you?

...I have NO idea.

First? That question makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!

I just.... Can't figure it out. Sooo...

I don't really know - I can't decide. I love the 'Captain's Orders' scene and the speech before it. I love  his reaction to Project Insight. I love his return with the 107th. I just....  It's Steve.

10.) If Steve asked you on a date, would you accept?

....I hate you.

Alright. If Steve asked me out on a date I would be inclined to accept regardless of whether I knew him as I do now, or if he was just a stranger I met.

Why? Well, if I know him as I do now, then I have the history with him. I know his character - would trust him. He wouldn't hurt me. And if he was a stranger, he's not really the type of person to 'date'. He would 'court'. He would get to know the girl first - be a friend before he did anything else. So then I'd grow to trust him.


....as much as a man like Steve would be a treasure and something I could accept? I would be much more likely to turn him - or any - man down because I don't want to burden them. I am a mess and I don't want to elevate them unecessarily, and I don't want to burden them. Me starting a family would just be.... No, a terrible idea.

So if STEVE asked me for a date I'd say yes. If Steve asked ME for a date I'd say no.

I still hate you.

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