"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Friday, September 9, 2016

And So It Begins

Hello! Guess what! I'm finally going to start posting these!!

In short: I start the Lament for Boromir series today. Of course, just because I start it today does not mean that it will be regularly posted - but I'll have started! Which is the first battle.

I had said that there were going to be forty of these pictures - there will be more. Some of the lines I've broken up more, but I might also combine others later. It just depends. For now, you have my six offerings.

Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass grows,
The West Wind comes walking - about the walls it goes.
'What news from the West, O Wandering Wind, do you bring to me tonight?
Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight?'
This is only the first half of the first stanza - then the West Wind answers and then the speaker (Aragorn in the book) answers back. For whatever reason, whenever I make this, it's always Faramir questioning and answering at the end. So this is as much about Faramir as it is about his brother.
I DID say he tends to come up a lot....
Now, this is probably all in my head and so all null and void, but I've spent too long studying this poem to section and portray it. As well as memorise it. But it stands for the three main groups of people in the world, as well as the three stages of Boromir's story.
The first is the West Wind. It's wandering, and it goes through the grass - it's for the earth. It is for the Hobbits, the Dwarves, the Ents - those dwelling  with the earth. In this way, it's also suiting that they ask the West for news, given that the Elves are the keepers of the earth (more or less - more then the men, certainly) and they come and go with the West.
Boromir is Tall in this stanza, in moon and in starlight. Again, with the West, and the night sky. Beautiful, strong, pure - this is before he is tempted. He is to be Steward, he leads the armies, he comes for Gondor to Rivendell - he is a good man. He is someone to be followed and to be remembered.
(There are few characters in Lord of the Rings that I dislike - I've come to change my mind about most of them after reading the books......)

made by Angelique
These are......amazing. Well, not really - but compared to my first set? Infinitely better. Before, it was just a few pictures set side by side, and now.....

I'm inordinately proud of myself and I've no reason to be so.

made by Angelique
This one is currently my favourite - and still! The comparison! Interestingly enough, between the woman's and the man's hand is Theoden King - it situates itself well.

made by Angelique

This didn't turn out so well, however. It's still better than my first series - but....Not as good as the rest of these.

And ever since I saw Gladiator, I've planned to use that scene for the West Wind - it fits perfectly.

made by Angelique
And I was able to find the flags this time! The last time, I basically had to make the flag....

made by Angelique
I tried to find a picture of the moonbeams lighting up the map, but I couldn't find a good picture. Sadly. So I simply settled for the elves. Because it IS from the West.

On a side note, New Zealand is gorgeous. But which is it - Scotland? That looks like Narnia in Winter? That's even moreso.

made by Angelique

And this picture NEVER turns out right. Something about the background.....  Even knowing more is just....  And I couldn't find any other version of Earendil's Star, so.....  Frodo's glass will have to suffice.

Galadriel was supposed to be in it, but her pictures were NOT working.

When I next make these, I hope to get the rest of the first stanza completed.


  1. First of all GLADIATORRRRRRRR *high pitched screaming*


    Okay better.

    GIRL. Woah those are amazing images. You have real talent there! They're GORGEOUS!! Well done! I look forward to seeing the rest! :D

    1. *falls off chair laughing* Good grief, cherie..... I do love that film though.

      *sighs* I REALLY need to finish these... I have had ZERO inspiration and I think I made these back in....January? march? Something? *groans*

      *hugs as tightly as possible* Mille fois merci!! I am thrilled that you think so!! I LOVE making these.

      And I DO take requests.


I love comments and will always reply with SOMETHING. Welcome to my ramblings - we're all mad here.....