"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Zatknis, Darling...

A word of advice to the durak writing this post: the next time you know someone will be leaving? Why don't you wean yourself off of their constant company rather than going cold turkey? You know how you get. You know how you react. You don't need that.

.....but you're weak and you walked straight into the inevitable and you crashed and now you're trying to pull the pieces back together. Again.



It doesn't matter. I'll get over it. I don't have a choice. You'd just....think I would have learnt.


On a side note, I adore Earl Grey tea.

Tea is a lot like a corset.

It's old, elegant, understated, ignored, comfortating, warm, and encouraging. It's flexible but strong - something that can't just be thrown together to taste right.

Boil the water, find the right size of cup, steep the tea the right amount of time (not too long or you can't reuse the bag....), add just the right amount of sugar or it's too sweet, add milk, add vanilla.... But goodness gracious - don't drink it before eating something sour!

For whatever reason, no matter how little sugar I add it still ends up tasting quite sweet. More so than anything else I eat. But in reverse, I also mustn't eat something extremely sweet or it tastes like barely flavoured water. Neither a good option....

But tea is comforting. Familiar. HOT.

 It's like a hug. Something calming, safe. Ever so safe.

That and it's the only thing that eases cramps but that's beside the point....

I want tea....

I had tea but I forgot about it due to escaping and....  Well, I put milk in my tea and it smelt SO good but I wasn't about to drink milk that had been sitting out for more than four hours....  So I will think longingly of it and try to justify making another cup.

And I have accomplished my weekly adventure of pincurling my hair.

It irks me to no end that there aren't more styling directions for more than Victory Rolls and Pageboys. What about those twists? Curles? Weird s-shapes that aren't Marcel Waves but are more poofy and look so good? What about the sculpted rolls and waves and curls that shape around the head and aren't simply 'brushed out'?

Great, so I figured out how to set and brush my hair - now I want to style it!

It annoys me.....

But my hair isn't fried so hopefully it will last again. Apparently too much baking soda dries my hair completely and then it's intractable. Terrific fun, I know....

For that matter, how many other blogs are there like mine? Hiding where no one finds them, just an author's musings - how many are there lost that have the directions I seek??

I can't decide if I want How to Marry a Millionaire or a record player more right now....

Or a vintage wardrobe but THAT'S not happening.

....oops, wrong train of thought.

But a record player! All of my records are just sitting there, BEGGING to be played.... (That's and I'm incredibly curious as to just how much of them even play right...)

I just realised that 'incredible' literally means 'unable to be true'. I love dictionaries...

But back to pincurls - how did they keep them fresh?? Especially in the Forties. And the fifties. and just about any decade where the hair was longer than four inches.

Hair. Doesn't. Dry. Quickly.

It doesn't SET quickly. An hour at least, depending on how much hair they had, how thick, how they were setting it, and what era it was. And that's just to set - drying took much longer even if they had a hairdryer. Which would fry their hair so then it wouldn't set right anyway....

But long hair and gravity and pincurls don't mix! How did they keep them looking so fresh after a day or two?

In movies, I know they could just reset it - but then again, we're back to the 'drying' part....


It's a giant conspiracy....

I need to just go....stop. Stop thinking. Stop being....

I'll work myself to exhaustion, da?

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