"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Fire's Out but Still it Burns...

Darling, darling, darling....

First - I really have no idea what I'm doing. I copy the Reader in what she does first.....

 That being said - this probably would have been up Saturday, except....  Well, I got an idea for a series of pictures.

Why? Who knows - but it took me a day to make them. Well, a day to find time to make them - it only took me about two hours to make them....

Now, what kind of love do we look for in stories?

Well, auditorochka moy, gather round, da?

Let's see if this makes any sense or if it's another pointless rambling.

(Oh, it's gaurunteed to be pointless rambling - but nonetheless...)

made by Angelique Jane
I want accidental love. Two ships passing in the night on the same route that love each other out of convenience - out of acknowledgement that their lives will be easier if they love each other. I want love where they insist they're just friends and never realise just how intertwined they are. I want love where they are truly one flesh - where they move together so seamlessly that when one part is torn away the other is left desolate, unable to continue alone; forever scarred. I want love where they deny until the very end that they loved each other - but they both knew the truth even at the end, even unspoken.

made by Angelique Jane
I want love that's never returned. I want someone that loves too easily - that throws himself into emotions wholeheartedly, knowing full well just how much it will inevitably hurt. I want someone that has been through a rough life, but still wholeheartedly embraces love because of the small chance that he will find joy instead of misery. I want someone that gives out love without reserve. I want someone that never asks in return - that never expects in return; that denies giving out in the first place. I want someone that loves so much he'd sabatogue himself to protect the others from loving him.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone that only loved once. That loved so fiercely and brightly and so against her will that she tore out her love and destroyed it. I want someone that never loves again - that killed part of theirself to get free. I want someone that would be the strongest companion if their love could be won - someone that is monogamous in attention and loyalty. I want someone that wears a mask for everyone, but would take it off for the one they loved. I want someone that will never be won, but would be a prize worth winning. I want someone that sees love as a game - that lost once and never loses again.

made by Angelique Jane
I want someone that falls in love. That wakes up one day and realises they're in love. I want someone that fits so seamlessly with their partner that when they realise they're in love they don't bother doing anything different because they've been living like a couple for a long time. I want a couple that flirts with everyone all of the time that they don't realise when their flirting with each other becomes more than flirting. I want someone that realised that their friendship long since deepened into something more. I want someone that realises they're falling in love - that recognises the slippery slope - and tries to fight against it, that tries half-heartedly to stop it. To keep from loving. I want a couple so oblivious to their interactions that when they finally get married it's not a surprise to literally anyone.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone who loved in order to survive. I want someone that should never have been able to love again - that should have hated and feared - that loves with more abandon all the more because they're broken. I want someone who loves in order to live - that realises they can't make it if they don't learn to love and joy and trust again. I want someone who is the kindest person in the world that went through the worst in life. I want someone who is a good parent, who is selfless and protective - that is understated and looks insignificant. I want someone that loves enough to make the hard decisions - that lives a miracle.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone that loved and lost. That can't make love work but keeps trying. I want someone that lost so much they're afraid of losing again. I want someone that keeps going after failure because the sucesses keep her strong. I want someone that finally forgives, that learns how to love themself as well as others - that learns how to take care of themselves as well as the rest of the world. I want someone that still dreams of a fairytale even though they know better. I want someone that still waits for Prince Charming - waits for someone to save them rather than the other way around.

made by Angelique Jane
I want a fairytale couple. I want love at first sight. I want the man to rescue the girl. I want the runaway wedding. I want impossible dreams, wedding day jitters, first house, first car, first shopping trip, first pet, first child...  I want newlywed glee and old married couple spats. I want compromise and joy and disillusionment - I want doubt and fear and comfort and above all love. I want romantic dates, and moonlit walks - I want a couple so in love that the words are sugared and sappy in syrup. I want a love that's a fairytale, but is real. I want a love that never fades, only ages gracefully.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone that doesn't believe in fairytales - that doesn't believe love works that way, that it's that easy. I want someone that loves viscerely, wholly - but only platonically. I want someone that is devoted to her friends and strangers, but doesn't believe in romance, in 'love'. I want someone that's seen enough of the world that they don't believe the movies and stories and songs are possible for everyone - that it's all a happy dream meant for everyone else. I want someone that won't challenge the status quo for fear of getting something worse. I want someone that wishes she could smother the little voice deep inside her that points out that it's not REALLY impossible to meet Prince Charming.

made by Angelique Jane

I want a family. I want a tie that overrulles everything else. I want a familial love so passionate that everything is permissable to protect the other. I want a love that means it's okay to steal and kill for the sibling. I want siblings that are everything to each other - that are each other's entire world. I want a love that puts the other first above everything, that means they can survive anything so long as they are with each other. I want a love that's inborn - that's as natural as breathing. I want a love that never dies. I want a love that's protective and fierce - dangerous to cross. I want a team that was raised up together - that shaped themselves to protect the other's weaknesses.

made by Angelique Jane
I want man's best friend. I want the animal that lays down his life for his master. The animal that protects the innocent. That turns against his master to do the right thing. I want animals that are priceless, that are one of a kind. I want animals that are born to love - animals that are hurt but come back stronger. Animals that are almost human in their interactions.

made by Angelique Jane
I want love that's never obvious. I want love that's in the little things. I want love that could be explained away as 'doing their job' or ' being a friend' or 'now one else was doing anything' or 'was bored' - but I want the little, meaningless things. I want the coffee made in the morning, the food set out at night, the bed made, the shower cleaned, the email's organised, the paperwork done...  I want love that's never spoke - that's taken for granted. I want love that's ignored, that's expected. I want love that everyone gives. I want love that's invisible - and all the more valuable.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone that takes love for granted - that doesn't realise how much they are loved until it's too late. I want someone who thinks love is normal - that doesn't understand what hate is. I want someone innocent, hopeful young. I want someone that can never grow up - that can never contribute. I want unconditional love. I want love that doesn't care how broken the other is, how messed up and useless. I want love that loves because it can - regardless of rhyme or reason. I want love that makes no sense and just IS.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone that loves for the wrong reasons. I want someone who loves for the right reasons. I want someone that makes no sense and can't explain himself. I want someone who loves when it isn't safe to. I want someone that will do EVERYTHING for love, regardless of cost to himself. I want someone who has to reconcile his love with his principles - with his morals. I want someone who has to choose between love and duty, between love and life. I want someone that struggles with the choice. I want someone who makes the wrong choice. I want someone who makes the right choice.

made by Angelique Jane

I want someone who can't tell the difference between love and friendship - that sees them as the same thing. I want someone that helps others find true love. I want someone who takes joy in the joy of others. I want someone that loves others so much because it makes them happy. I want someone who doesn't care how he looks as long as he can cheer up someone else. I want someone who loves God so much he can't help but love everyone else. I want someone who lives to show God's love to everyone else.

made by Angelique Jane

What do I look for in stories? I look for life. Not just the fairytales. Not just the happily ever afters.

I never look for the happily ever afters. There will be arguments, losses, deaths.... Nothing lasts forever.

I want to see loyalty. Truth. Sacrifice. Compromise. I want to see shallowness and depth of feeling. I want to see obliviousness and experience. I want to see the defenders and the prizes. I want to see the princes and Queens.

I want to see Love in all of it's beautiful terrible, painful glory. I want to see the love that sent Jesus to the cross to die for strangers. I want to see the love that brought Jesus back. I want to see the love that shaped mankind by hand out of dust knowing full well what would come. I want to see the love that sent the Holy Spirit down to minister to man.

I want to see God's love.

Love is Patient
Love is Kind
Love does not Envy
Love does not Boast
Love is not Proud
Love does not dishonour Others
Love is not self-seeking
Love is not easily Angered
Love keeps no record of Wrongs
Love does not delight in Evil
Love rejoices with the Truth
Love always Protects
Love always Trusts
Love always Hopes
Love always Persevers
Love never Fails

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