....so I realise now that I COULD HAVE DONE TONY'S TAG TODAY!
But no. I didn't really read ahead so... That didn't happen.
But hey! I get to talk about someone else.
*drops head on desk* *sighs*
By the way - this? This is why I dropped out when Bella first held this thing: I have a bad habit of disappearing for long periods of time......
But matters of importance first.
I watched another wonderful film with Vincent Price in it! Oh, the film was wonderful on its own merits and unbelievable and so very fictional and have I ever mentioned that the general...miracles and superatural and just NO.
.....but I'm terrified of monsters in the dark. *groans*
I give up! I give up.
Besides, logically, I can't deny it. I know that. So why do I still bother??
And it was very quotable. And amusing. And sad. And joyful. And....
It's odd to watch these films. Usually when I watch films based on real life I know the story behind it. Or the story is predictable enough that I can guess what would happen. But with
Song of Bernadette and
Reluctant Saint I....can't. They're utterly new! Completely....unknown! i have no idea what's going on! It's...
It's weird.
The movie was....wonderful. I want to watch it again. But not right now.... Not so soon. Couldn't.
But I have a new movie to find for my collection!!
It's....it's something to aspire to. something possible - something relateable. It's....
I don't know. I don't know.
I loved the film, thank you.
Alright! So. The tag.
...that again, I could have just used Tony for.....
Well, no one ever said I was genius. *shrugs*
And that gif is REALLY annoying me - that is just...how does she do that?? Anyway.
Also. For the person that says these posts are good.
Irrelevant. Back to the tag. That for whatever reason I can't focus on...
I have the sudden urge to go rambling on about the dress i'm drafting and making SHUT UP AND WRITE THIS BLOODY POST!!
Natasha Romanov. The Black Widow. I honestly have no idea if I'm even spelling her name right or ifI'm using too much Russian again....
I can't stand the majority of Tony's team. Sorry.
Let's start with whatever his name is, Black Panther. T'challa. That guy.
Yeah, alright, I fully admit that first his character wasn't fleshed out at ALL in the film which always prejudices me against a character; and I admit that his very blind pursuit of Bucky also...knocks him very far down the totem pole.
(I'm supposed to be defending a character, aren't I? Sorry... I AM GOING TO DEFEND ONE!! I'm just going to try to tear everyone else apart... *Smiles*)
I look forward to watching his film - I want to see if they can redeem him in my opinion.
But he is a prince, a king in his father's death. Wouldn't he know better than to jump into a vendetta without proof?? As a king especially - I have no idea how Wakanda's government works, but death is serious. I get the impression that he wouldn't just be handing out death sentences willy nilly. So why then with Bucky?
He's emotionally unstable in the death of his father, surely as a ruler he knows politics and how scapegoats are so easily framed?
I just....come on. Revenge? That's it? And then you suddenly change at the end because you learn the truth? Maybe you could have spent some time looking for the truth in the beginning or something and avoided the mess....
Innocent until proven guilty, anyone?
...also, black panther? All I can think of is Asten Roel.
He's a character in Emperor's New Clothes book that is a shapeshifter and lives largely as a black panther and he's really fun and good and smart and I accidentally killed him before I created him.
Downsides of creating the main character first.....
Asten was invented based on this cat we had that was....a shapeshifter, seriously. He was hilarious and so nice and fun and.... anyway, he disappeared so I created Asten.
I need to finish that book....
......I love Vision. I truly do.
Yeah, that's basically my only complaint with him. The fact that he sides with Tony is irrelevant - he is Jarvis. Of COURSE he would.
But can we just....get rid of Friday? Forever? Please?
Jarvis. Back. Now.
.....although. I'll take D'Arcy's Jarvis back. *Grins* Come on!! He was fun!!
Actually, can we have the whole
Agent Carter series back?? Marvel ruined
Agents of SHIELD - Carter at least hadn't gotten so bad....
(I admit I need to finish that second series though... *sighs*)
But Jarvis! Not Vision!
We can keep Vision if I get the original Jarvis back.
Me unreasonable? Nooooo.....
Now. Who's next....
Oh boy.
Honestly, I don't even really know him.... I thik he has the worst job to deal with Tony, but he does honestly care about Tony. They fight all of the time on eithics and business and government and weapons and fame and...everything else seemingly, but Rhodes....
Rhodes is a good man. Messed up, broken, made some massive mistakes at times....
But a good man. He tried. He has his principles - or as far as I remember he does. I don't think he ever legitimately chooses his job or someone else over Tony - that is the best thing about him. Other than the fact that I think Tony largely just uses him for a long time and Rhodes should have left that friendship....
But Rhodes cares about what happens to Tony - he is a good friend.
.....I actually almost did join Tony's side just because NO. KILLING. RHODES!! I'm not sure why I stayed on Steve's side. Reason? Belief?
Oh, I would have been furious if Rhodes had actually died.
But Rhodes...is a good man. A good friend. he puts up with SO much...
Let's see.....
Sorry, he has NO redeeming qualities and that's not quite true. These last two versions of him were.....not so cringe worthy but....
*groans* Nope!!
Let's just leave it there. I have no intention of rewatchign any of the films to critique them.
....and this right here is where I lost any and all like I had gained for the character that he had gotten.
JUST....WHY??????????????????????? *chokes* *groans*
...is anyone surprised that I saved her for last?
Nah, she's actually the whole point of this post. The others just....somehow grew longer than I expected.
But Natasha. I was....honestly surprised she went to Tony's team. She of all people would be the last one I would expect to agree to more governmental control.
Red Room.
Ring any bells?
"You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers."
The difference between just about every. single. character. and Tony is that Tony is just about the only one that...doesn't make considered decisions.
T'Challa - a prince. I can promise you that he was taught to weigh his decisions well. He is responsible.
Rhodes - an officer that had to deal with Tony. If anything he learnt to manage decisions to keep working with Tony and avoid getting both of them fired or something.
Vision - he's a computer. He doesn't really have a choice.
Wanda - she's young, but she grew up with only her brother and she at least tries to think ahead to consequences; and she has no problem
accepting consequences either.
Clint - he's a father and an agent. *grins* He's snarky and fun sure, but balancing domestic and secret life that well? Not to mention simply keeping his family secret? He understand decisions - has demonstrated it often.
Bucky - took care of Steve, was then a supersoldier assassin for seventy years - he learned decisions somewhere. And he well understands consequences.
(....I've never seen the Ant-man movie so I honestly can't comment on him...)
Wilson - experimental soldier, made decisions in
Winter Soldier with full understanding of what the repercussions for him could be.
Steve - he's impulsive yeah, but even when he does just jump into something he is also willing to accept the consequences for his own actions. He minds his own business.
.....annnnd....then there's Tony.
Tony, darling, broken mess of a man, THINK. THINGS. THROUGH.
Everything isn't your fault, you had to know that you couldn't save everyone...
"Something I learned that night, Jason.You can't save them all. Sometimes, you have to pick one. I picked you. Otherwise all three of us would have died that night and you know it...Focus on the ones you can save."
.....also known as the reason #Endless that Tony is the same as Tony but Tony is better than Tony.
Granted. Stark is a technical genius and Dinozzo isn't obviously but.... come on. They have the SAME personality basically. The difference is that Dinozzo grows up. He takes responsibility. Stark? Hasn't yet. Not really.
*Sighs* Oh Tony I know exactly why I hate you so very much....
anyway. Nat.
The amazing thing is that I ever keep track of a point in these things.....
Yeah, yeah - shut up.
But why would she have signed her freedoms away again? Always a slave? Always a pawn? She got away from the Red Room. She got away from Hydra/SHIELD. And now she signs away her freedoms again?
She of all people would understand collateral damage.
Yes, yes - the Avengers DO need some accountability. Everyone does. But not to the government. Not consolidated like that.
She's seen regimes rise and fall - she's HELPED them rise and fall. She would rather not be accountable that publically.
It just....doesn't make sense.
She's a spy. She plays sides against each other. It's her job. It's her. She can't just...shut that off.
What if she joined Tony so she could help Steve when he needed it? So she could help that team when they needed it? Basically every time she's in a movie she's playing a double agent at some major point. Except this one?
What if her entire role in
Civil War IS a double game?
This theory isn't mine - it was somewhere online but now I can't find the original....
And I'm sure there are reasons disproving this but-! It makes so much more sense.
Now I want to rewatch the film to see if it completely fits.
No one expected her to be on Tony's side. it wasn't logical - it wasn't predictable. She is the...changeable one. She's the one that can't be pinned down. she's the spy that's above and beyond everyone - and movies aren't books. We aren't given character's thoughts.
And thus the beauty of headcanons: LITERALLY EVERY GOOD CHARACTER IS ON STEVE'S SIDE THEN!!!! *Grins*
But now I really do want to rewatch the movie. Seriously - this is such a cool theory I want to see if it fits even more....
*grins* So there's that! Another day done too! Voila!
...I'm leaving now.....