"...I hate repitition, I really do. It's like asking a painter to paint the same picture every day of his life." -- Peter Cushing

"Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." -- Jeremy Brett

"We don't always get the kind of work we want, but we always have the choice of whether to do it with a good grace or not." -- Christopher Lee

Monday, October 23, 2017

2015 - LOTR Blog Party - Day Two

Which is your favourite book and/or movie?

Firstly: why do we have these impossible tasks?!?! Have you TRIED to pick only one?? You have to have the rest for it to make sense!!! It just doesn't work otherwise...

Alright, now that that's dealt with, let's move on...

My favourie book and/or movie...Hmmm. (have I mentioned extrememly hard tasks?!)

Alright: Return of the King.

The book had more scenes from my favourite characters, as well as the appendices with the notes on the languages in the back. In that book, it brought Éowyn to Faramir; and it healed more of the brokenness that was in all of the characters.

The third book was filled with so much marvellous moments. There were the instances of friendships being strengthened between Pippen and Merry, Legolas and Gimli, Frodo and Sam, etcetra. There were also multitude acts of bravery and chivalry and loyalty: Éowyn and Merry fighting the Witch King for Théoden, Aragorn in the House of Healing, Sam fighting to save Frodo, the Eagles, etcetra... Then of course, the renewing of life and love (they go hand in hand for me, so...), with Faramir and Éowyn and how they were both healed and brought together; with Aragorn and Arwen wed after many MANY years; Sam marrying Rosie and his family being started; Gondor and Arnor reunited as one; the White Tree was replanted; the Shire cleaned up; (Saruman killed...); Saroun defeated, etcetra...

And, oh! The sheer amount of wonderfully quoteable lines and moving scenes is astounding!!! The charges, the description of the battle fields, the description of people, the events - I could write a trillion poems inspired by this book and still not run out of inspirations!!!
Yes, alright, I love the book. I cannot even begin to tell you what I like - the amount of quotes and pictures and scenes included here...'Twould be easier to just include the book. Trust me...

Of course, don't get me started on the movie... Wallpapers, poems, quotes - it's just so beautiful and moving and brave and...and.... *speechless*

Words have failed to suit my cause -

So pardon me as I will pause.


But the third book is also the best because it is an end AND a beginning. It is the end of the darkness and despair and the fear prevalent throughout the earlier books; yet is also the bright, hopeful beginning to the Fourth Age. It hold some of the darkest moments, but also the brightest; it is the saddest book, yet also the happiest. It's the book that makes it all worthwhile - that makes the death and the sacrifice somehow worth it. Not entirely, but a little bit.

That being said, Return of the King is definitely my favourite book. (And movie.)

*studiously does NOT thinking of the countless reasons why she likes the others as well* And I shall leave it at that...

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